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1984 Renault 4 F6 van parts wanted

Tom Bradford

New Member
Hi all.
I'm new to all this so please bear with me!
I've recently bought a Renault 4 F6 van for my son and I need a few parts for it. If anyone has any ideas where I my source them, preferably in the UK, that would be great. It's an '84 and here's a few of the bits I need;
- Front seat (brown) or a pair if they are a different colour.
- Steering lock/ignition switch
- Rear lamp lenses
I'm sure there's other bits but that'll do to start with!
All help and advice much appreciated.
Cheers Tom
There's a NOS rear door on at the moment - search for 'Porte arrière neuve Renault 4 4l R4 f6'. It's been poorly stored, and has a few dents, but it's likely to be better than anything you'll come across in this country.
Rear lenses come up on Spanish/French/German eBay quite often. I'm not sure if Renault still do them, but the part numbers are: 77 01 018 683 (L) and 77 01 018 680 (R). It'd be worth giving Lifestyle Renault a call.
I might be able to help with a steering lock and a few other bits and pieces.