Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

1985 GTL starter problems !!!


New Member
Hello everybody,i'm from Cork in southern Ireland i have been reading all your posts for some time now looking for hints and advise for R4's but never thought i someday would have to rely on you guys for some help.Well to make a long stort short i tried to start my 1985 GTL with 24V booster pack (Yes - by accident)....i was fuming...there was a slight fry from the battery and when i made an attempt to start from 12volt booster...nothing is happenig...all lights are on on the dash but the starter is not doin anything...i checked the fuses..nothing is blown...i'm trying to figure out if its the coil is my problem, starter motor or solnoid issue....thanks for reading....!!!!
Try turning it over by hand (jackup one wheel and turn it while in gear)

Check there is power on the 2 wires going to the started (the big one and the small one)
Easy way is to remove the small wire connector from the solenoid. Attached a longer piece of wire with a spade terminal to the connector on the solenoid. Flick the other end of the wire on the positive battery terminal and see what happens.
Yes,burnt out starter motor.
new motor fitted 150 euro....
so she's firing anyway...thanks all for your help
now to solve the carb being starved of petrol....!!!!
let the fun begin....