Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

4 wheels on my wagon


I'm pleased as punch. This weekend saw my project finally get to a meaningful stage, with the engine back in, drive shafts connected, and all fours wheels rolling!

This is by necessity a slow restoration, all work being done al-fresco. You can how far I've got with the donor body in the background.

My question today is about fuel pipe. From the tank, does this need to be steel, copper or modern rubber/plastic tube?
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What about the non-adjustable snap-closed sort like the one on the right in this photo?

My hoses are fastened with those and I always replace them if I have to remove one because they are horrible to open and worse to close.
'Jubilee' is a generic term for this type of worm drive clamp. Jubilee were the first I believe and there have been many copies. People of my advanced age and who were in the motor trade still tend to use the original term.