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845cc clutch cable


Hi All,
On my TL (845cc red) the clutch cable connected directly to the clutch release arm. It required a phenomenal amount of pressure to get the clutch pedal down too. Looking at some pics and the Haynes manual Im thinking I may be missing a bit. Could anyone with a right hand drive 845cc (or experience with same) confirm that there is a bracket mounted on the side of the gearbox that takes the clutch cable and has a linkage to the clutch release arm, like in the photo attached that I found online.
If this is the case my next question is does anyone know where I might get this part.

Here's the set-up on a RHD 72 TL with the 334 box. Unfortunately, I haven't got a spare bracket, but I'm sure someone on here will have one! 20210505_082252.jpg20210505_082201.jpg20210505_082012.jpg
Hi Andy,
Thats great thanks. I think I may be ok so. It was looking at LHD cars and Haynes that had me thinking I was missing some sort of actuating mechanism. The stiffness in the clutch must just have been a combo of wrecked cable and ancient clutch.