Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

A Question of Chrome...


Not normal for Norfolk
Wymondham Norfolk
Has anyone recently had experience of Repro Bumpers and the quality of manufacture and finish?

Having Chrome plating carried out is expensive but I suspect better quality.

Currently putting together costs to renovate my R4

Opinions appreciated

Also anyone that might have a late 60's metal grille and headlight surround complete for sale?

I think melun passion are listing new chrome bumpers, check their web site. as regards 'chrome' plating of your old bumpers chrome has more or less been replaced by bright nickel plating, if you strip your old bumpers back to steel it will be cheaper, I suggest you look for a local plating company near to you, they usually charge by the square cm.