check this site, it has some pictures of the rebuild.
the biggest problem with the original setup is that the carb is blocking the original shiftstick(the upright thing).
so you will have to move it futher away from the turbo. which means that the mixture is travelling longer and in my case some fuel is left(liquid) before the turbo. so when the turbo starts spinning some liquid so no gassed fuel is sucked into the turbo and the engine stalls. most of the times the is temporarily and after 5 secs it runs great again, bbut sometimes it totally stops.
with a hot engine there usually is no problem.
also you can not use the original tubing from the turbo to the inletmanifold, you will have to fix something else.
if you use a inlet manifold from the normal atmospheric alpine/gordini and the carb of the r5GTT(not PnP) you have less problems with this and you can fit an more power and less chance of "knock" because you have a cooler mixture.but it should also work without the intercooler(this is my next big project i think, together with fitting 5AT front brakes)
don´t forget to put the engine 2cm higher on its mountings because else the shaft of the steering wheel will touch the outlet manifold.
if possible it is also better to fit an anti roll bar on the rear, from a F6(PnP) or 5AT(some modifications)
an put some good shocks. I now have got red(adjustable) KONI´s all around.
but just look at my pictures.
and you can also check this site, it is in dutch you can look at the pictures anyway.
he has used the original 5AT gearbox and only LPG injection(homemade) and it has about 140-150bhp.
if you have any more questions you can always ask them.
grtz and suc6