Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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Bonnet catch / bonnet won’t lock!


Hello everyone… bit of assistance if you can please! I can’t immediately work out why, but my bonnet refuses to lock. Cable seems ok and I can’t really see anything else, but it won’t shut and lock into position! Anyone see why or offer any thoughts?




Seems like the bit that sticks up (circled) stops the catch on the bonnet from going into the lock. So with that 'released' it will at least sit in the right place but still won't actually lock...


Sometimes the alignment of the mechanism and catch alters over time. Note the mechanism is secured with two nuts. Slacken the nuts and adjust the mechanism, the set up allows you to make a sliding adjustment. In your case, it looks like you will be able to make a downward adjustment as I can see a gap above the nuts.
The latch is already closed (at least in the second photo). Put the spring back in place and pop the latch open using the bonnet release button beside the gearstick.
The latch is already closed (at least in the second photo). Put the spring back in place and pop the latch open using the bonnet release button beside the gearstick.
I tried that! The release button does open it but its almost like the spring is too strong so it just pulls back to the closed position and strikes the top of the spring when you try to close it.
True enough I'm thinking backwards. Here's a picture of mine. My latch does seem to rest more open than yours. The return of the latch part is limited by the shim that sits between the mechanism and the bulkhead. Possibly yours is missing the shim and the latch is being limited by the bulkhead thus closing further. In the second photo (if you click and zoom in) the thin bit of rusty metal on the bulkhead side of the latch mechanism is part of the shim. Or is that pin that is supposed to limit travel? Mine is a bit bent and the shim seems to be performing that task.

The spring itself shouldn't be a problem - it acts as the bonnet release spring and yours looks about right.


Check that your bonnet is aligned correctly. If ours is slightly over to one side, then it doesn't close nicely. Re-centering the bonnet in between the wings (by pushing it across) solved it.
Thanks for your advice. After trying moving the catch and adjusting the bonnet and achieving nothing, I stuck a camera under there and recorded what wasn't happening. In the end, I discovered that it wouldn't lock as the part thats fitted to the bonnet was very slightly bent. 15 seconds with the pliers sorted this and now we're back to normal.
