Bugger! It's a traditional to do something ground breaking or to write something especially helpful with a 1000th post. I wasn't paying attention and missed it.
So my 1000th says I can't be bothered posting bits (which is true), but doesn't mention in any way the Gordini project going to start in the next week (finally) or the nice new TIG welder that's going to do some amazingly cool restoration work on the thin Renault tin, or even photos of the 8 R4s kicking around the place at the moment. Ah well. Will have to wait until the 10,000th post to see how those things turn out.
In a way the 1000th is indicative of my new way forward. It's nice to be all helpful, but it does take a whole lot of time. From 1001 I'm planning to do my own thing a little more. Work has accepted that 3 days a week is all they are going to get so I should hopefully be able to spend a little more time on this site, and on the other things I like to do.