Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

can't see where i'm going


i have a 67 TL and i am wondering if its just par for the course that hardly any heat, and not much forced air come out of the screen vent fact probably no heat seemed to be coming out even with the levers in all combination of positions
is it that, by the time the air to the screen gets mixed with the air coming in direct through the outside vent flap, theres no heat left??
its gonna be murder in winter....ade
if all normal you should not be able to grip and hold around the rubber-hose going from water-pump in to bulkhead after motor is warmed up.. have you checked the thermostat? -change it anyways-to be sure it works get a 89* one to get more heat out of the matrix in winter...Does the fan work as should? both speeds? You know it works when it makes some sqeeky annoying sounds-most of them do... -R.
Possibilities - blocked heater matrix or heater hoses, so no water flow getting through - flap that directs the heat upwards broken or loose on its mounting so doesn't swivel (I think early flaps are metal so probably not broken) - no engine thermostat so running too cool - fan not working - early fans are single-speed only : if someone has replaced the correct switch with the later two-speed one (which incorporates a built-in resistor) possibly little current getting to the motor - rotating heater valve blocked - phlogiston reservior has run out of caloric.
'67 heaters have two air flap levers, in typical French ergonomics they are placed at either side of the heater cowl. They are open when you can see the red dot (if it has stayed in place after 44 years...). For maximum demisting flow, top lever (right hand top side) should point downwards and bottom one (left hand footwell) should point upwards (that is, being closed).

Don't expect great blower performance, but make sure you get 100% of it by looking if all foam sealing material is intact (of course this means dismantling the heater assembly).The hot trick is to fit a 6v fan motor on a 12V car, measurable difference for as long as it lasts!
screen demist

thanks for all the help...i'm not sure all my flaps are in the right place....ade
screen demist

am i right in saying that only fresh air direct from outside comes through the flaps on top of the facia? as mine flop open due to broken springs, i've stuffed the opening with a block of foam... i think that the heated air for the screen comes out of vents nearer to the screen...ade
Yes you are correct, that's exactly how it works.
Try to find a piece of magnetic sheet, cut four narrow strips (3-4 mm) and glue two of them on the facia panel, on the lip where the flaps rest on the closed position. The other pair of strips goes on the respective edges of each flap. Voila! no more flaps opening on winter.
heater problems

i still have the foam stuffed inside the vent flaps, will do the magnetic strips in the summer, but another (related?) problem has occurred
i don't use the car much this weather, but , when i do, soon after the car is started, smoke starts billowing up from under the facia area...thought we were going to go up in flames initially, but, after 5-10 mins driving smoke clears and all is ok....its not clutch etc as the smoke smells i trapping condensation in some internal cavity in the heater assembly which then burns off due to the proximity of the engine?....anyone had a similar experience....ade