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Clutch slipping...anything I can do myself?


Tunbridge Wells England
Hi all,

I have read all the "clutch slipping" threads but have a simple question.

I can drive carfully and the clutch doesnt slip but if I stamp on the accelerator it slips.

Is there aytning I can do to mend it? OR do I have to bite the bullet and change the whole gearbox?


Definitely do not need to change gearbox
Eventually clutch set.

But do not know if you can do something to repair it before change!
The cable may of not been adjusted correctly as it needs to always have a few mm of free play at the gearbox end if there is no play and cable tight it will encourage clutch to slip probably too late by now but maybe will delay the inevitable
If it's been slipping then generally you'll need to change it. However I drove a Citroën BX GTi years ago which had a slipping clutch in all the time I had it, I just let the power in gently and never over loaded the clutch with the torque.

The trouble is with smaller engined cars like ours, you do need to use the torque, so it would probably be better to get it changed.
I will check the tension in the cable.
I changed the cable about 2 years ago so I know its brand new.
so I need a couple of mm play at the engine end.
Does it need to be "in gear" while I test the play?
or in neuatral?
I gear I rekon thinking about it.
Will consult the bible (Haynes)