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Compatible Engines.


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm new here! Love the site!

I know this isn't really the place but you seem to know what you're talking about.

I own a Renault Extra Prima 1.6D van ('94 plate.) It apparently has the F8M engine, which is giving me alot of problems, I need a new one.

Can anybody tell me which other engines will work in this van? I have seen two, one with a Renault 19 1.9 Diesel Turbo and one with a Volvo Turbo. I hear that a Peugeot 405 engine will slot straight in, just having to change the gearbox and exhaust. Well I have found myself a brilliant engine out of a 405 with the gearbox and I've also found an exhaust that will fit my van to suit the engine size (or something along those lines, don't really know what it all means!)
The engine mountings appear to match, and it looks as if it will fit etc... Just before I start doing the work, can anyone tell me if I'm wasting my time, or tell me another suitable engine?
The only reason I won't get another Extra engine is they are rubbish and keep messing up! I haven't found one without a problem!

Thanks in advance!

righty the pug and volvo lumps will not go. The only volvo is the 400 series petrol engines as they are F types.

The 1.9 F8Q diesel renault lumps will go straight in though.

So you have a wide world of 19 and clio diesel engines to pick from.

You can of course fit the volvo and pug lumps but you will end up doing a lot of fabrications and have to get CV's etc machind to accept the shafts etc.

The F8's will go straight in no messing about.
Thanks Chris, very helpful. Feel like a prat now, because about 3 people said that it is possible to slot a 405 engine in, and I found one... luckily I didn't buy it!

So just clio or 19 engines then? Any specific years or does that not matter?

Thanks again mate!

not really any specific years, although after about 95 they started to phase in immobilisers which are in the pump.

But go look round the scrappies as there are plenty of 19's in them.
i also have a renault extra diesel van and i am have cylinder head problems. I just wanted to know if a clio or 19 cylinder head can be put onto the block with no problems or is a complete engine change required?
if its the 1.9 engine then the clio/19 head will go on.

The clio/19 never got the 1.6 engine though.