Cruising speed of an 845cc R4 depends on when it was built : the older ones with Zenith 281 carbs will cruise happily at 55mph (85 kph) but not much more, pressing the throttle further simply uses more fuel and cokes the plugs. This was my experience when driving 1970s R4s. The later 845cc R4s have a more sophisticated carb (Solex) and my current machine (1984) will, once warmed up, do a steady 60 (95 kph) with occasional bursts up to 65 - 70 (115 kph).
I wouldn't advise trying to get an R4 to do 70 for sustained periods. The 845cc cooling system isn't great and this could lead to overheating/head gasket problems. Having said that, my personal speed records are . . . 80 (125 kph) (off the clock) downhill in a 70s R4, 87 (138 kph) (same location) in a 1982 R4 GTL 1108cc, 845cc 1976 R4 long trip average 58 mph (95 kph) (as I pelted 75 miles to the intensive care unit after my father had suffered a cardiac arrest).