Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

drum brake

you can hit it on the sides quite hard with a wooden mallet but if its rusty like mine its very difficult.
The best is to borrow a drum puller from a friend, it will come off in 30 seconds
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Often it's helpfull to set the adjusting lever back first. If it's manual with four cornered shafts on the backplate try to avoid to ruin this shafts more than they are.
thanks for reply

i'm from poland and here its lot of problem to find any info about r4 ...
so I log in here :)
i have problem with "pintle " or "plug" i dont kown how to translate this...

i have take this off ?

its thread there ?
If you look at my photo, the drum is on the floor. I took it off with a drum puller.

The part with the 3 bolts is the hub. It is not necessary to remove it, if you only want to change the brake shoes or brake cylinder.

You can not take out the big bolt in the middle because it is your drive shaft.

It think "pintle" means a bolt?

If you want a photo of the drum puller let me know
yes. this will reveal the hub nut secured by a castellated washer and a split pin, remove these and the brake drum will fall off !
but how ? :(

what i have to use to take this off...

i spend 2 hours thinking and trying
how did you do this ?
I just did the same thing. In the end I levered it out with a small screwdriver

I could see someone else had used a big pair of pliers.

If there is a cunning knack to taking these off I would also appreciate the procedure/tool etc.

There is a special tool but it's not necessary. Big multigrip pliers, a peace of leather and a little sense will do.
When you reassemble the break you should wash the bearings exhaustive and youse new grease because dirt and rust from the brake will allways be sticking on the old grease.
That means damaged rear wheel bearings are a classic failure a few weeks after someone had pulled the drums off. Bearing adjstment: Screw the nut in untill you feel the drum starts to turn severe. Then turn the drum 20 or 30 times. Then look for the point where the drum turns easy but without any clearence.
no easy way that I know of. I used these but not to tight otherwise it will get damaged
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Good to know - Just ordering both front and rear brake kits, flexible houses and handbrake cables.
It can be removed very easily if you hit it very gently and carefully as shown on the picture, using a medium shaped flat bladed screwdriver and hammer. Alternate tapping points by half a turn, and you will have it in your hands quickly. It's not that tight.
Don't worry if you dent the cap a little, try however to "key" the screwdriver in existing dents, it will make the process easier.
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