Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

E 5/E 10 -info/tips needed. -Calling YOU!


Hi gang! we are fast getting stuck with E5 and E10 ethanol-blended gasoline also here in Norway.Esso seems the last of the big ones to go for E10..I think the date is 1st of July. What's even worse they all
seems to totally phase out the option of RON 98 (Oct.) lead-free in the process....

-I know some(most?) of the Euro-countries have launched E10 some time ago,so am calling all of you to
share info/tips/experience with the stuff.. Would also like to hear from our more distant members in Aussiland/USA ++++

My only experience with E10 was 2yr's ago in France-needing to fill up and didn't notice sticker on pump until already started filling tank on Auto-route.. so filled only 15L. I'm sure temp of motor was somewhat higher than usual.(have coolant-temp gauge) also motor seem'd a bit more lazy,and used more gasoline than usual (last one is an educated guess I admit)

I'm looking for any/all advice so Any/All replies appreciated!

-I'm installing heat-shielding on all gasoline-hoses and pipes,also have mounted water-separator.I also
have a spare tank so thought I'd use tank-sealant on it after I have gas-soldered a return intake on it

Also mounting heat-shield under carbs /over headers and moving gasoline-feed to carbs as far away from
heatsources as I can..

-all of the above to keep gasoline as cool as possible to avoid wapour-lock etc and also to minimize corrosion in tank.. Am I going Totally overboard here-or what?? As said; own experience limited,but some reports seems alarming enought to make me worried..

IF reports on breakdown/fires/problems are valid,I would think it a good idea to start collecting info,
warnings, tips etc. under new heading here on the 4um...

-Hope all of you out there are having a VERY nice summer with lots of putting around in your Quatrelle!
but Please take a few minutes to share your thought/experience and possible solutions as we all need to keep our 4 on the road for as long as possible.. -R.
I am in USA , all our gas contains 10% ethanol for a while now, my GTL come in with a 1/4 tank from France , I did not notice any difference when I start using E10

I do add some seafoam treatment on my older cars now and then but not every tank.

I dont have a temperture gauge on the GTL but I will setup one before my next long trip next time to see what temp does it run on E10

I now have over 3000 kilometers and she runs really well, keeps up 70 miles per hour easly

Do not stress about it

So-apparantly no reason to worry then.. just hope we're not cought out with our heads under our arm here.. Happy motoring /-R.
I think modern fuels have already become an issue. E10 will only make it more of an issue.

I have been having trouble in all of my cars with lean mixtures. The cars don't operate correctly on the original carb and ignition settings, but if you pull the choke out a little they do operate correctly. They are too lean on full throttle without exception even when you have a computer controlled ignition curve to get the timing just right. Enlarging the jets very slightly to compensate seems to be the answer. I think that is a problem of modern fuels. They have less burnable stuff in them.

A friend had a car with glassfibre fuel tanks. E5 saw to those and made them porous. Fuel hoses also need to be compatible with ethanol, and replaced if they start seeping fuel. I am not aware of any R4s where this has caused trouble.

Ethanol holds water which might promote a market for fuel tank and carb suppliers to satisfy the inevitable need for replacements in the future.
your comments seems along the lines of my own thoughts on this issue. How much would you reckon would be needed to enlarge the jets-
about 30% ?
As you especially mention lean operation at full throttle -would it suffice to drill only that jet?

Anybody in the know if 123-ignition have reMapped the ign.curves on their products to take this rubbishE into consideration?

-I observe that Austria has abandoned the introduction of Ethanol-mixed fuel Alltogether(!) on the grounds that old(er)cars inevitably
could suffer dire consequences.....and that not enough research have been done to limit this (possible)damage

Not sure what the tank in my Alpine (D501)is made of-it is a kind of yellow(ish) semi see-through "plastic" but I don't think it's fiber-glass either...
-looks to be vacum-formed.

Anyone know the exact CODES on them to look for when buying new petrol-hoses? -I've seen some allegedly E-approved but no codes ??

I'm sitting on lots of "historical documentations" from when Shell introduced their Formula-2000 fuel,(E-based(?) petrol introduced in 2000.

-these are showing some very interesting and enlightning agreements when motors were damaged and owners were compensated..
not sure how/where to publish these to get best possible coverage.

The documents originates from now defunk'd company and dead rep. and represents "Historical Documentation" and are to be used purely
for that sole purpose.
They are not in any way Shells property............. so they will have to read these after published along with other interested parties........
in the case they will then have unlimited commend or contradict or Whatever..

I hope my purpose of trying to raise a discussion on here and also to ask all Quatrelle-fans and owners to be aware of a potentially BIG issue
would be obvious.
It will be a Sad day when we couldn't use and enjoy our 4's aymore due to politicus-ignoranticus and general (misunderstod) PC
Happy motoring!! -R.
Well, might be relevant, might not but here goes.....

On my way back from Thenay (about half an hour after leaving Le Mans and finding an alternate route to avoid French farmers blocking the Autoroute) I stopped at the services on the Autoroute for petrol.

Being a bit tired I didn't notice that it was the 95/E10 stuff until I'd put over half a tank in. Paid and set off. After about 30 miles I started to get a slight hesitation at speed (60-65mph) which felt fuel related - when you slowed down it went away but back up to speed and it reoccurred. Time was against me and as everything was working I got to Cherbourg and on the ferry. Once I got back to Portsmouth i filled up again with normal stuff and the issue hasn't reoccurred since so I wonder if it was down to the fuel and ethanol content?
Hi Lobster! your episode sounds typical as this was exactly how mine felt when half-filling the tank b4 I noticed (also on the autoroute in France)
in addition I noticed Rofen felt slightly lazy and temp.went somewhat up.... -R.