Hola! I think petrol-pressure should be 0,7 Bar-if exessive it can cause jes in carb to wear our prematurely.
-Solution is to mount a Filter-King (Malpassi) pressure-limiter,this also has the added (and now necessary)
bonus of having a water-separator so you can get rid of lots of water accumaleted by that reched E5 /E10-
mixed petrol..
Fuel-pressure-limiter very easy to mount,fits nicely on inner-wing down in the area where the petrolpump is.
just cut rubber-hose (to pump) insert the two banjo-fittings into each end.Do not forget to install 2 new
hose-clamps. add a drop of oil on hose where clamps go then you won't shear into the rubber and they will
last a lot longer.
Pressure is set by turning knob on top of Filter-King so either you need a pressure-gauge Or order the one with
small gauge included.
Buy an extra filter at same time,nice to have one spare,and you save on postage..
If you order one be sure to get the one with the bowl in Glass not plastic.also make Sure the O-ring gets a few
drops of oil so glass-bowl will fit snuggly and tight against it to avoid leakage.PS Do not overtighten the nut under
the bowl,smear oil on the O-ring and finger-tighten it ,juggle it a bit and re-check.
-Check the hoseclamps whenever you have the bonnet opened just to be sure..
Happy motoring Antonio! -r.