Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
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F4 withOUT the girafon??


Anyone knows if it was only on the early sixties the F4 could be had with No girafon?? I know -the girafon is something of a key-feature is to me anyway,but this time I am looking for one without it..I only need some bodyparts preferably in good nick
So if you know one let me know... -R.
I think you'll be looking for F4's formerly operated by french postal services and EDF. I don't know of anyone else who might have operated F4's without the girafon.
Hi guys-actually I think they were available to the general public too as I've seen pictures of it in sales-brochures from the early sixties,but am unsure how long they lasted,as it would be pretty obvious that having the girafon eased loading and unloading of larger stuff.... I guess today it would be hard to find an early 60's one in good nick-That's why I need to know how long before they took it out of the sortiment. -R.
A friend of me is selling an '88 F4 without girafon.

But I think the F4's were in the early years without the girafon an the started producing without girafon again in the late 80's

I'll take a look if there is an 60's F4 without girafon for sale somwhere here in Holland
Aha-so they manufactured it into or again in the 80's ?? much better chance to find one in that case. I am only looking for certain parts of one -guess it would be too much to ask to have your friend cut these off and chuck the rest c",) -you know what price he asks? for me to buy the whole car it needs to be able to be driven home under own power,brakes not really necessary as it's only uphill.....Any idea in what kind of condition it is? -R.
the car is in good condition and is driven almost ervery day.
price is about €3000 but you could driven home without any problem.

but wich parts do you need? if the whole car is to much?
Actually what I need is the rearmost 35cm of the body! (from right where the wheel-arch ends-and the straight lower line starts)
35cm body plus reardoor -I know it doesn't make sense!
seems All too big a sacriledge to chop a good car for these bits,so finding one where the front is rusted/burned/crashed would be my best option