Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

faded Renault emblem


I'm sure that many of you must have had problems with the Renault 4 emblem on the boot door.
Mine had faded to nothing; all the paint had disappeared and the emblem was practically black and unreadable.
The photo shows a 2 minute touch up with a silver Koki marker pen. the lines are a bit wobbly in places because I rushed the job but that can be fixed.
So far its experienced rain, hail and sunshine and after 2 weeks it's still perfect!
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It is amusing that earlier (aluminium) badges also fade but in the opposite manner! The black paint strips off leaving the badge all silver in colour, and of course, the technique to restore them is equally opposite: spray the whole badge with matt black, then after the paint dries rub it over a sheet of fine wet-and-dry paper, so that paint is removed from the raised characters.
thats a trick I use with french number plates ! cheaper than the specialist shops for black and silver plates.