Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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French CT - Brake Forces


Anyone had a French CT done and knows their measurements for brake forces?

I have just got Pearl through her CT at last, her brakes passed first time but the measurements don't mean a lot to me - I have readings of 135 and 127 daN at the front and 128 and 97 (not good) daN at the rear.

So, I know I have a problem with one side at the back, but, are the figures of 127 to 135 daN (whatever that is) good, average or poor but passable?

Anyone got readings I can compare these with, or what is supposed to be top-notch?

We have also brake force measurement at our CT equivalent. However 135/127 daN up front seems low to me (maybe they are the handbrake measurements?) Drum-braked 850 hit easily the 200 daN mark.
Hi Angel,
Pearl is an 1100cc 1989 R4 GTL.

The front brakes are disc, the rear are drums, and the handbrake is on the rear wheels. I thought the 127/135 brake forces may be a bit on the low but passable side - that is why I asked for other peoples experiences. Over 200 daN for drums sounds good - discs should be better I would have thought.

Any other views out there?