Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
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Front shock absorbers

Andy McGhee

Had a lucky eBay find this week - a pair of De Carbon front shock absorbers. The old ones (Allinquants) were getting past their best after 60,000 miles, so fitted the new pair today. Despite what it says in P1040209.JPG P1040212.JPG P1040220.JPG P1040214.JPG P1040216.JPG P1040217 (2).JPG P1040218.JPG some of the manuals, you don't have to remove the anti-roll bar. If you use another jack under the suspension arm, you can move things to a point where the lower bolt will come out and not foul the driveshaft. You have to get the alignment of the upper fixings right - I had to hold them in place with one hand while snipping the retaining wire with the other. The only tool I had that would do this was my grandfather's WW1 wire cutters (see above)!
The front end is much firmer and less wallowy now - gas shocks are so much better!