Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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fuel pump advice wanted


I am fitting a r5 motor to my r4 gtl but have a query re the fuel pump. the 'new' motor has an inverted type fuel pump which operates without a lever into the crankcase [ so I cant substitute the r4 pump] my query is there are 2 fuel inlet pipes, one is the connection to the tank the other. thinner pipe go's where ? is it a return pipe a la diesel pumps ?? HELP !!
thanks for that, cant see how I am going to install a return to the tank without a lot of hassle ! what would be the outcome if I block it off ??
thanks to you both, have 'araldited' the extra outlet. now I have to just drop the new motor in and see if it go's !!