Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Greetings from new member


Pirot, Serbia
Hello everyone!
My name is Aleksandar (feel free to call me Alex), and I'm from Pirot, Serbia (yet another member from the Balkans :D )

I'm a mechanic by education, and although I didn't pursue that career, I love to work on my own projects (there hasn't been a lot of them, but I hope that will change in the future). I'm working as a freelancer, the majority of the jobs I do are related to video editing.

My first car (the first one that I own) is IMV Renault 4 GTL, 1988 (IMV would suggest that the car was built in Slovenia) that I inherited from my grandfather who bought it in 2013.
The car is not in perfect condition, but it's working. My grandfather was doing maintenance himself but since the car was only driven around the village and to the fields, he didn't register it. And that's how the car slowly began to get eaten by rust.
My goal would be that I repair the car to be as great looking as possible and to drive it in honor of my late grandfather.

Renault and myself in 2013, when the car was bought
Welcome Alex That’s such a great story and fitting to restore your Grandads Renault 4. We will enjoy watching you restore it via the forum. There are many on here who will be able to encourage you and keep you going as well as help with technical issues.
Thank you for such warm welcome! This is definitely a great place full of people who sincerely love their cars on first place and then to help others as well.
I'll start a new thread about the car in the following days, since I already started disassembly process to get insight how good/bad the situation is.