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GTL engine repair


Hello again,
Is there any typical signs for a GTL engine to be repaired?....
I sold my old GTL 88 to my aunt... cilynder´s compression test was good, oil never decreased its level, refrigeration ok...besides exhaust gases seemed to be good , I traveled with it for more than 5000 miles (with appropiate mantainance) ..but suddenly she told me a trip she begun to hear some weird sound then stopped but never started again. Then she took it to a garage and then they diagnosed a bad engine... I don´t know if it was a fake diagnose or what..because I am 200 miles away from there...
any suggestions:(
Cooling problems are probably the most common - the original radiators can split at the sides when they get to 20 years old causing water leaks. The water is normally slow to leak out and most people would check the water level frequently and spot the problem. As the water level falls the bubbling noise when water boils inside the engine is quite loud, and the head gasket can fail. That could be it.

A lot of problems can be caused by poor maintenance, but if you have only recently given the car to your aunt it's unlikely to be a poor maintenance problem.

I can't think of anything else serious that commonly goes wrong with these engines, though if you can post more detail about what happened we might be able to come up with some more ideas.