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Yellow R4
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Gunson's Sparktune 2


Hi, I need to set up my R4 and have a Gunson's Sparktune 2 which I want to use to set up the initial ignition timing and dwell angle, but I don't have any instructions for the instrument and Gunson's don't list the Sparktune 2 on their list of old manuals.

Does anyone have a manual for this instrument that I could have a copy of please?

Hi Tom, thanks for that and the answer is probably (does help).

The instructions there are for the Sparktune and I have a Sparktune 2, which is slightly different. There are no red and green bands as described on the formers instructions, nor a volts drop scale, but I guess the instructions are not a million miles away and should certainly help, so in the absence of a Sparktune 2 Instruction Manual I will go with what's on the classicroverforum.

However, if someone does have the Sparktune 2 instructions which they are willing to share I would most appreciate them...........!
