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wigan mon

New Member
hi everyone ,just bought a 53 plate convertable megane,the heater is working but only blowing cold air out, anybody have any probs the same or any idea what it is thanks
Hello, Could be many reasons.

Thermostat stuck, leaking heater matrix been filled with radweld to temporarily cure it?

(although I hope its the former rather than the latter, Megane heater matrix replacement is a BIG JOB iirc !)

Worth checking the coolant level to start with then see if the water hoses are getting hot as it warms up.

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as lobster says, check the in and out pipes on the bulkhead for heat...maybe worth back flushing them with a hose...not a pressure washer as if you have a week matrix it may blow holes in it...fill it up with antifreeze/water mix and remember to bleed the air out..
The renault book time is 5.5 hours to change the matrix inc removal of the i would try this first..
good luck