Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Heritage certificates


New Member
Hello all, first post on here having recently taken custody of an '85 F6.

The V5 shows registration date as 03/01/85 so I duly visited my (un)helpful local post office with a view to changing tax class to historic.

No historic option showing and I have been advised by DVLA that although the registration date is at the beginning of '85 as they have no build date they have defaulted this to 31/12/85.

I have a collection of Mini's for which heritage certicates are available with a factory build record to confirm these kind of things so DVLA can update the record.

Is such a thing available for historic Renault vehicles by an chance?


Congratulations on getting an F6!
You need to get in touch with Brian Whiteside (best to join the Renault Classic Car club first).

DVLA must surely agree that your van was produced before its date of first registration (as shown on the V5)...
I've found DVLA to be extremely helpful - I recommend the excellent Lindsey of team 32.
I wouldn't blame your post office - Historic status is tied to the 1st of April after the vehicle's date of first registration (I don't know whether you still get a few days' grace in January). The FBHVC said this: 'Currently, a vehicle 'first registered' on/prior to 7 January 1983, will be classed by the DVLA as having been built in 1982, therefore it is tax exempt from 1st April 2023.' I don't know whether this is still true - even if DVLA accept 03/01/85 as the date of first registration, you might have to wait until 01/04/26.
Worth trying DVLA again - at least they ring you back!