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How to clean/remove windscreen washer jet


One of our windscreen washer jets is blocked and no amount of poking with a pin will unblock it.

I can see that the pair of jet nozzles pops out from the hole in the metal, but how does it come apart/off the tubing? Does it just pull off?

(I'm also a bit worried that the tubing will spring back through the hole and be difficult to get out again.)

Any tips?

(It's for a 1990 GTL.)

Hello Jonathan, sorry you didn't make it to the Kent get together. Now, the job in hand. If you gently prise off the fresh air grille from the scuttle and then slide it off the rod that operates it, you then have access to the windscreen washer pipe. You will probably find it has a kink in it, obstructing the flow of water. I did away with the washer jet, fitted a new pipe from the tank, tee piece at the scuttle, and a pipe to each wiper arm. I cut a pipe joiner in half, which made two nozzles. The purists wouldn't like it, it's a bit rally car, but it works well. If you do just replace the washer nozzle at least you now know how to get to the pipe.

Regards Brian.

PS. If you have the use of an air compressor that's the best way to clear a blocked washer jet.
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And how about removing and substitute a nozzle in a earlier model, with the mesh under the metal flap?
Hmm, not sure about that one Andrea having only worked on my GTL. Maybe there's access from under the dashboard. I'm sure one of our fellow 4L friends on the forum can advise.
The jet pulls out of the bulkhead with the pipe attached but you don't get a good length of pipe with it.

Tape the pipe to the bulkhead and use a hot air gun to soften the pipe. Push the pipe off the jet with a knife. Don't try to pull the jet or the pipe will streach.

Jets will need blowing out with compressed air. Chunk of stuff will come out from the pipe side. Then soften the pipe with hot air and reconnect. Simples!
Merci beaucoup!

I'd love to put a new chrome nozzle with a fixing nut but soon it does not seem a good idea!
colleagues told you everything!

You can gently pull out washer jet, pipe will be still attached to the washer.
But be careful with grommet around washer. Sun destroy that rubber grommet thou years and if you pull it hard you might brake it.

Or you can remove ventilation grill below glass to get some more access (you will net TORX T10 screwdriver to remove it)....But not to much
Thank you everyone, I will try to fix it. I don't have access to compressed air unfortunately, but will try to gently take it apart and give it a good clean. (I was hoping that it would clear itself, but because there are two jets, when one is blocked the water just comes out of the other one and probably will never clear out the blocked one.)

We were sorry to miss seeing you in Kent this year. Hopefully will make it next time :¬)

Thanks again for all your advice!

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If it is scale/limescale/tartar (all words from google translator), white thing that is left on pipes after water is dried out, that is blocking your jet try to put it in vinegar for some time (24 hours at least).
Look picture
On left heater is scale all around. right heater is clean

Vinegar will eat up scale. Not whole thing (maybe it will) but good enough to push it out with strong water jet

If it is some stone or some else trash not sure will it work