Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

How to open bonnet if plunger won't work ?


uk east london
Dear All,

iam showing my lack of brain power but this morning i summoned up all my will power and ventured into the garage with the most honourable thoughts of tinkering with my R4 F4 only to spend 30 minns removing all the detritus that accumulated upon the bonnet,only to find that pushing the plunger back and forth that she obviously didn't fancy my hands on her big end (he he he).closer inspection it looks like the linkage has come adrift...and sharp ideas/cool fixes that you might have fixed this problem...

Biting my tongue and not deferring to my favorite tool of choice which i normally turn to,but i thought a cool head and a cuppa and a post to those that know might be a better choice.

With the upmost respect and hope

Doug xx
Usually the spring has come off it's tab. If you push the plunger all the way in it should be possible to lift the bonnet. It won't pop up but you can get your fingers underneath and lift it up.
I know-but i have dealt with this prblm b4. what it all cooks down to is that you drill a hole to the lower part of the "hook" that holds the bonnet/hood down.then hook a wire through hole and make a loop in other end dangling down in front of firewall.Just visible from the underside of the car, not if-but When you cant open the bonnert by the push-knob you lay down beside the car and shtick in whatever you can poke into the loop and give it a poke and Hey Presto! your bonnet pops open like that....
Many thanks to you all, looks like i will have to put the hammer away..........phew. its like Ethel is to fond of the garage and who could blame her..thanks you all doug xx