Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Indicator on the Blink


Newcastle upon Tyne
My indicator is on the blink. Does anyone know what could be the cause please?

Bluebell has been running brilliantly ever since Bobble replaced the condenser. In the last two weeks though the indicator has decided to go on the blink.

It started when I was on my way to work. Everything had been working well. I came to another junction and the indicator didn't work, instead the dashboard lights went crazy. I turned the engine off and on again and all was sorted. Later that journey the same thing happened again however it did not rectify itself on restarting the engine and hasn't worked since.

Signs and symptoms:

> Car starts and runs perfectly.
> Lights work (full, dip and side).
> The heater works but on the dash the fog light and high beam lights come on half bright.
> The radio no longer turns on.
> When the car is not running, hazards work perfectly.
> When the ignition is turned to the first position, hazards and indicators work perfectly.
> When the ignition is turned to the second position or the car is started neither the hazards or the ignition work.
> Turning the hazards on causes all indicator lights to come on and stay on, this is associated with a 'buzzing noise'.
> Indicating causes the side chosen to come on and stay on, this is associated with a 'buzzing noise'.
> When turning the hazards and indicators on here the dash fog light and high beam lights come on half bright.
> Returning the indicator to neutral and turning dip beams on and off seems to reset the problem.

Current management:

> Inspected the fuses, all intact.
> Inspected the indicator relay, makes a 'buzzing' noise when the engine is running and the indicator is tried.
> Cleaned and re-earthed the main earth at the front of the right inner wing.
> Taken the dash off to look for loose connections / water, all seems connected and dry.

N.B. There is a leak, this is either coming through somewhere at the top of the A panel on the right hand side or possibly along with the choke cable (grommet missing, now replaced). This has caused a puddle in the drivers side 'glove space'. All wiring and cables appear dry and dusty (undisturbed for many years...).

Does anyone have any ideas about what could be causing Bluebells problems? She's sitting in the back garden wishing I was clever enough to fix her. Any advice would be great. Below is a video demonstrating the problem.



Hi Ben, I've had similar frustrating problems with my indicators in the past. For example the indicators would only start working after I switched the hazard lights on and then off.
In all cases I've removed the plastic covers from the indicators and removed the bulbs and then cleaned off the corrosion on the contacts and the side walls thoroughly with fine sand paper and a sharp flat screw driver.
even the slightest bit of corrosion can play havoc.
Thats worked for me every time.
I couldn't watch your video because its marked "private". You should change the setting to "public".
Hi MojoBaby, thanks for the advice. I'll give that a go in the morning. It's bizarre how they all work though if the ignition is only turned one step. Video changed too, oops.

Few more things tried after discussion with my "mechanic".

> Disconnecting the indicator relay stops the hazards and indicators working, however the crazy dashboard lights still happen when the heater is turned on.
> Disconnecting the hazards switch stops the hazards and indicators working, however the crazy dashboard lights still happen when the heater is turned on.
> Dismantling the heater switch stops the heater working, however the crazy dashboard lights still happen when the indicator or hazards are used.
And this is the change in lights on the dashboard when it all goes wrong. Ignition on, car not started.

Prior to trying indicator / hazards / heater (tank half full):


After trying the indicator / hazards / heater (tank magicked some extra petrol).
Fog light and high beams not semi-lit:

Without studying the wiring diagram for your car I'd venture to suggest a faulty earth at the dashboard. Many car manufacturers arrange a common earth for the dashboard, so the warning lights, gauges and panel lights all earth through a common line. If this line is damaged or becomes corroded in some way the current looks for another route to earth (remember the old adage: "electricity always finds the shortest route") and so will earth out through other wires, even going the "wrong way" through some wiring. A good example of this is when one sees the rear lights of a car doing strange things in time to the indicator circuits; what you see is the indicator pulses earthing out through the reversing lights!

In your car I'd check that the flasher unit is securely screwed to the car's body, as this normally acts as an earth for the unit. Also check that the indicator dashboard warning light is secure. Any loose earthing points under the dashboard would be worth tightening too. Just one other thought; take a look at the car chassis (frame) to engine earth strap, too. I only mention this as I once had a Daf 33 where the dashboard was earthing through the choke cable, which produced some very strange electrical shenanigans.....

A decent voltmeter/circuit tester is a must for this sort of investigation; maybe a note to Santa Claus might be in order!
Dash fault is often the body earth that connects to the front of the RHS inner wing. I recall mine doing that when I forgot to connect it back up. Try removing it and giving it a good clean up.
Thank you Andrew4Renaults and Malcolm. The problem is now solved. I looked all over for the source of the problem and it was due to earthing. However on this occasion it was the radio that was to blame. Whether due to poor wiring when it was installed, or wear and tear, one wire had come loose behind the radio. I'm still not quite sure how it worked but attaching this to another loose wire behind the radio seems to have fixed the problem. Unfortunately in my frustration the radio will need a little bit of tweaking before it will be playing any tunes again. Until I have the chance to look again in daylight this will have to do. Thank you again.