Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Lets go driving, cos there's nowhere to go...


Nice one Lobster!
You have the 5,5x!3 Fergats I see (same as mine)
What I Really need are the same ones in 4x13 so if anyone has these I'll trade ya-mine are 100% and unused too!-and I can take that chromed front-fender off you anyday aswell...
-(sorry for hijacking the tread Lobster/move it if preferable) -R.
Chromed front bumper is from Melun Retro Passion and is starting to look a bit old - picture flatters it a bit as it is starting to rust - its probably going to get replaced with a standard painted one at some point over winter.

Have you tried Andrew at for the wheels? They were common on R5s so he might know of a set?
ah yes-I talked to MRP and they were really honest about it.said chrome was bad so wouldn't actually recommend it.. Same goes for Der Fransose.kind of unusual to meet such honesty these days,but gives confidence when buying other stuff from these two.

-I need a NOS-one,to fit my other Bling! Thanx for the tip Lobster.I will try Andrew. -R.
Blue van

What a well presented R4. F6
Congratulations to you Lobster.
The colour suits it well i think.

And I can think of no better reason to go for drive.

I can,
seems a perfect explanation to me.

It's not the destination that you were dreaming of, it was the journey that you were seeking!
