I've taken out the wet liners of my R4GTL and measured the wear which is 0.020mm. I was told that this is the maximum wear and that, since no oversize pistons are available, I have to replace the liners/pistons.
The top ridge was pronounced, but nothing too bad. It seems to me that 0.020mm isn't such a bid deal, but I'm in two minds about that so I thought I'd post a message to have a second opinion.
I've taken out the wet liners of my R4GTL and measured the wear which is 0.020mm. I was told that this is the maximum wear and that, since no oversize pistons are available, I have to replace the liners/pistons.
The top ridge was pronounced, but nothing too bad. It seems to me that 0.020mm isn't such a bid deal, but I'm in two minds about that so I thought I'd post a message to have a second opinion.