Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

little tip


Undo the bolts holding body at random and pour engine oil in holes through to chassis half a pint will do nicely and go for an eratic drive or erotic the choice is yours,kept my 2cv,s like new.Best;)chassis that is.
Hi there, if the chassis is rusted all the oil in the world won't help it. This excellent advice is only any good on an A1 chassis. Some oil is bound to find its way out, but this should be minimal. A mixture of 50/50 Waxoil and old engine oil is a good rust inhibitor, yes I know it is said that there is acid in old oil, but I'm not sure that is true, all I know is used oil is very good for preserving metal. Regards Brian.
Quite good.. since I do not have a compressor yet nor the spraygun with hose to spray the chassis from inside...
Oil isn't so good at maintaining friction between the tarmac and the tyres of the motorbike following this rustproofing exercise :(
Oil isn't so good at maintaining friction between the tarmac and the tyres of the motorbike following this rustproofing exercise :(
Put newspaper down in the garage floor then, and let it drip! An excellent use for the gutter-press I reckon.:smile:
there is a sort of acid in old oil which is why you should change it, but that more damages the moving parts and just builds up at the bottom the engine as a horrible gunk.

my friend keeps telling me this idea with his old cortina mk1, and that it works wonders. might look into after i've repaired the chassis.

what kind of motorbike!? and everything ok? There are old english motorbikes with oil in the frames that goes into the me thinks, but i doute its a good idea pouring oil don't my Fazer's steel tube frame any time soon.
Old Oil for Rust Proofing

Your car will smell like the inside if an engine, lose all its value, kill motorcylclists, repel girls, destroy driveways and generally become a mobile health hazard. As soon as someone cuts into it at a later date it will probably blow up. The fumes!

Use odorless stuff like Dinotrol or Waxoyl of the correct grade and spray at the correct temperature, so will run between metal sheets inside the cavities, by capillary action and then set like wax.

This is where rust starts in cars, typically caused by condensation in all the cavities you cant see. This moisture is caused by the temperature differences caused my night and day.

This is why car sills rot out as they take the moisture from the A and B posts which then rots the bottom sill flange. Serous rot is usually from the inside out.

I cannot see a more cost effective solution.
I'm not entirely sure that R4s are magnets for hot chicks in the first place... :D :wink:

I disagree, along with my Spaniel, Renault 4's are definitely babe magnets!

Although Judith, just punched me again!
Yes, a dog and a 4L and you can't go wrong with the fair-sex. George Clooney eat your heart out!:smile:
Tis funny, we were up the pub the other day and one of the girls who works there was saying she wanted my puppies, my daughter who works with her looked at her very strangely indeed! :)

(She was talking about my Louis Springer Spaniel though)!

Ok, actually you are right, I agree. But it wasn't always thus.... fifteen years ago the local girls were not at all impressed by 4Ls. Maybe they are now but I'm a married man so wouldn't know (although the lovely Mrs Lobster did insist we used the F6 as our wedding car)

On a sort of related note, when I had an Alfa girls were ALWAYS impressed by it despite the fact that it would rarely complete a journey without incident and it could frequently delve great depths into my wallet to relieve it of its contents.
no, R4's are not chick magnets......well...multi coloured ones for that matter are not.

and the mother didn't like motorbikes so guess i was never on a winning steak with that girl to start with
What a handsome dog pepper.

Thank you!

He is a lovely dog, well behaved, quiet, good with everything. Cats, other dogs, people and children.

Shame that he's cost me thousands and thousands of pounds in repair bills and he's only three years old!

I could have bought three top quality Renault 4's for the price of his repairs!

He's had one arm rebuilt twice, and the other one us currently been broken since last February and he limps on it permanently!
Yes indeed, vets bills can be horrendous, but we love our pets don't we pepper, and we did go off the subject a bit, but that is the joy of this forum, people having their say about things. Still think the 4 is a babe magnet though.:D
Yes indeed, vets bills can be horrendous, but we love our pets don't we pepper, and we did go off the subject a bit, but that is the joy of this forum, people having their say about things. Still think the 4 is a babe magnet though.:D

being replaced by your mother with guinea pigs is not FUN! def one the spoiled rotten one chatters at me! she has 9 of the little things! ok, one is mine, Chief MOTer Polo, the grumpy sod.

and ok, if my R4 was up together and didn't look like i was driving it uninsured, untaxed and no MOT but did look like he had rolled out of the show room, I prob would get points for owning a old car but not a chic magnet....for me anyhow.

But the strange girls to find R4's cute.....