Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

looking through the window......


Hi all! would a rear-window from say a 4l/gtl fit a F4? are they the same or different.I notice they
have different part-numbers,but so do other identical parts for different cars,so am not sure...
-To me the 4L/gtl-rear window look a little more rounded (somewhat higher)on the top than the F4
-am I right?
I don't think they are tempered or laminated so would it be poss. for a pro to grind some
off on top of one?
(I have a rear hatch for a 4L but it's all the way at the back of my stash,so thought I'd ask here
first-Getting lazy in this heat now)
PS:I hope everyone has a Real Good Summer Qatrelling out there! -R.
Hi Reid, if it's laminated a glazier can cut it no prob. If it's toughened/tempered there is nothing you can do about it.
If you make an accurate template of it a glazier can cut a piece of lam the correct size easy, or send the template away to get a toughened piece made.
That is assuming that it is flat. Stan.
Oh toughened will be 6mm thick and lam will be 6.4mm
I noticed above that you don't think it's Lam or Tuf ! I would imagine if the one you have is neither of them then it will be illegal on the road IE not safety glass !!
Hi there Stan! How you doing on Orkneys,not blown out to sea just yet? c",) Had a look at another F4-rearwindow I have,That one IS tempered.
The one in Roffen doesn't have that marking..
I'll check into it more thourougly later. looking on the one installed and measuring it (to approx.midline of rubber) it looks to me it can't be much different
at most a mill or two...
-Saw something in the news about they serve the best fish&chips in the world in a chippie-place on one used to be in Margate/Kent
Done that/been there/don't do that no more(Oh yes bought the T-shirt too) maybe I had to come to Orkneys to check&verify -R.(Le gourmand)
Not sure about the chippy so I googled it and the main one that comes up anywhere near us with awards is in Brae in Shetland, maybe that's the one your thinking of, but don't let that stop you coming to Orkney lol