Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
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Lucas Girling brake parts


Had an imbalance in my front discs at the mot, so I had a little poke around and found a sticky slider pin type thing. There were 2 pins on the caliper, the bottom one had a rubber sleeve over it. It was this that was sticking, as it slid along the pin and impeded movement.
I therefore phoned Lifestyle Renault for a repair kit - was delighted to see one still available - but when it arrived, both pins were plain. Identical. Not a rubber sleeve in sight.
Have I got the wrong part? My fiche shows 77 01 203 375, the part supplied was 77 01 207 961
My fiche picture definately shows the lower pin with some sort of sleeve to it.
Can anyone unconfuse me?
Is the rubber bit something about 2mm thick that sits on the pin? There's a recent thread about this, but the rubber bit should be bonded into the calliper. If it has attached itself to the pin the caliper is dead.

Try eBay first - some cheap calipers on there. If you get stuck I might have a used one.
Aw thanks, Malcolm - so much to learn, so little time!
That explains all.
I have had a look at e-bay previously, but most parts seem to be the Bendix part, not Lucas Girling. And as the pattern parts dont have an official Renault part no., Im a bit cautious about ordering.
Any recommendations here, Malcolm?
How likely is it that you have a caliper? Would it still be attached (firmly) to a vehicle, or is it ready to go?
Thanks again.
I'm looking for the same kit (7701203375) here in France. I think the contents of the kit should look like this - The two pins on the right are the R4 (and older Twingo) pins the other are the newer Twingo pins.

Oh and the rubbery bit is attached to the pins on both my callipers and looks like it is in the photo as well.
Hi Claude
yes, I ordered mine through an official dealer, via telephone. They were sourced from France, and had the no. 77 01 207 961 on the box. Neither pin had the required rubber sleeve. I'm not sure what to do now, as I am unsure whether any of the caliper kits being offered include the carrier or just the piston side.
How do things look in France - have you had any more luck?
I checked again with the Renault garage today - they told me that they have supplied what is now the latest version of the part. As the newer replacement part did not have any note attached on the system, that is meant to mean that the new part should fit exactly as the old.
I wont be able to try that out till the weekend, but presumably it means that the lower pin is slightly larger in diameter than it was to make up the gap filled by the old rubber sleeve.
Or not.
I'm not holding my breath!
Hi Claude
fitted the "wrong" parts and it all seems good. I think that they have added a chamfer to the end of the pins so that they will fit in the sleeved barrel, which of course has this ending.
Cant think why the rubber sleeve was ever added in the first place!
So my advice is - fit and forget!
Hi Rick

The pins on mine seemed OK it was only the small rubber boots that had split.

I can only imagine that the rubber sleeving was some sort of anti-vibration thing but I could be wrong.

But thanks for the info - if it fails the CT (MOT) on that at least I know which parts to order now.

Claude - Plan B - read my post elsewhere re these pins. They are a different diameter!!