Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

missing documents


New Member
Hi. Have found a restoration project in rural France but there is some missing paperwork! Has anyone come across this problem before? Any advice or ideas welcome. Documents which appear to be missing: up to date carte grise and ct. A French friend has contacted the local prefecture but no joy so far.
Would love the car.... but not the problems.:(
Missing docs

The easiest way (and with advantages !) is to register the car as "vehicule de collection"

Look at the FFVE website and all is explained. The only problem you may have is if the car is less than 30yrs old.
You;d be better off looking on Le Bon Coin, there are hundreds of cars in great condition, not needing thousands spending on them to be restored and best of all they'll come with carte grise and if they are being sold legally 18 months of Controle Technique with them.

Why do we make things so hard for ourselves? :)