Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Model 4Ls. Can anyone beat this.


Le Dazzleur
Hi there. I took the 4 out for a run today down to Penzance to visit my good friend renault4mad, and while I was at his place he showed me his 4L models, all 200 of them or thereabouts. Well, what a collection, and I now know why he uses that handle. I think it's an obsession, a touch of ebayitus, see them and got to have them. But all joking aside, he has some quite rare ones in the collection, and it made the 17 Ive got look a bit pathetic. Can anyone beat this.:cool:
Hi Brian,
glad you came over, nice to see you...
sorry if i bored you ...hahah....with my obsession..

cu soon mate
Hi there, I've got a few of those John, great detail, and they don't cost too much. I got a couple at Thenay last year, several people selling them, but I've also seen them at shows over here. I've yet to see any die-cast model now that's not made in China. I expect someone out there in 4L-land will now correct me.
thats cheating lobster...mine arnt for sale...
Just to dig up an old thread for a moment.... MinAuto Mag in France has a nice article on R4s and a list (with pics) of supposedly all the R4 models produced. Might still be available in four weeks for anyone off to Thenay.
Typical, just as I bought myself one at Thenay, look what arrives...

Didn't think we'd get any more of the Mythique R4 series over here, so when I saw the F4 Service and a couple of others for sale at Thenay I took a deep breath and handed over the money so I could have one for myself.

Obviously that was a mistake and somewhat predictably a supplier has offered us more of the series this afternoon. Naturally I have ordered them...

So excuse the self promotion but coming soon to Chateau Lobster are more of the Mythique R4 series. In stock and available to buy from Thursday. Once I get them I'll stick the rest of the pictures on the website but for the moment heres a small selection of what is coming.

When I get them in, I will post a discount code here for the website so if any forum members want them, you can have them at a discounted price!





Oh dear, looks like more space is required in our sitting-room. Wish you hadn't shown us those David, and how am I going to smuggle them in to the house? I had promised no more models, but........!:D
David, do they do any models with the chrome grille?

I've not seen any whilst perusing Ebay, but you may know a lot more than me!
There are a few with the chrome grille but not many. Most seem to be either very early cars or GTLs with not much in the way of '60's / '70's stuff. Not sure if the new Mythique R4 stuff includes anything with a chrome grille either.

However, Vitesse did an F4 with the chrome grille a few years back -

So, slightly later than advertised and slightly more expensive and in slightly smaller quantities than I wanted, these how now arrived and are on my website.

If anyone wants them then entering the discount code 'Clementine' at checkout would give you 10% off :) also on eBay should you live somewhere that website doesn't ship to / prefer ebay etc

Discount code lasts til I get bored with it / sell out / whatever else / probably about a week or so...
Yesterday I got my first R4 model from Svetlana.
And it's a beauty.
She managed to find a Norev model that isn't in stock anymore and got it painted and decalled like my own F6.

I rather like the look of the Solido 1/18 scale model but won't buy one until I actually see one in the flesh so to speak. I prefer the 1/18 scale too. Are there any others in the same scale I should be looking out for?
The Solido 1/18 GTL is lovely. We've got a few in stock still :) The UK Solido importer is a bit, shall we say 'reluctant' to actually import them at all so they tend to be a bit scarce over here. You might find someone selling them at Thenay though if you want to see them in the flesh. Otherwise in 1:18 scale its relatively slim pickings - Norev do early F4 vans in and did early 4Ls in a selection of colours. Other than those, Otto are doing a 1:18 JP4 which looks ace but is not exactly cheap. Is nice though.