Hi im Fidias and salute from chile, south america ! 
Well im doing verry well with my renault restoration project, but now i have a new task thats givin me a huge heake.... its relly 3 problems, i hope that everybody can help..
First of all my Renault is an Argentinian 1973 Renault 4L =P
Problem Nº 1: Motor starter connection
when i receved my renault the cableing connection was terrible.. i mean, lamps cable for the reverse switch, 3 cables powerd going nowere, terrible !! xD..
so everything is looking good, but!!! i took out the motor starter cable that goes from the key ignition, to the starter, i cant find where its goes pluged, i see 2 cables..
*one commin from the + part of the battery that is placed to one of the nuts that the starter has.
*another one ( verry short) that coneects the solenoid and the starter.
... i took a picture of this 3er cable terminal
it has a flat female terminal.. but im thinkin that the plug of the starter is broken, cus i cant see that plug on the starter.. can anyone picture that cable slot ?.....
Im taking a picture from a nother post that david made, here is the post
hope you dont mind david
Problem Nº2: Speed and feul indicator
This problem i have no idea how to fix it.. ive been surfin on the net and cant fine anything that could help =P, ill try to explaine clarly..
the pilot table has a speed and feul indicator, i see that the speed indicaor has a thick cable that goes to the front of the car and hides over there, but the feul indicator dosent have anythin... nothing at all .. soo i dont now what to do here..
here is the pik

Well im doing verry well with my renault restoration project, but now i have a new task thats givin me a huge heake.... its relly 3 problems, i hope that everybody can help..
First of all my Renault is an Argentinian 1973 Renault 4L =P
Problem Nº 1: Motor starter connection
when i receved my renault the cableing connection was terrible.. i mean, lamps cable for the reverse switch, 3 cables powerd going nowere, terrible !! xD..
so everything is looking good, but!!! i took out the motor starter cable that goes from the key ignition, to the starter, i cant find where its goes pluged, i see 2 cables..
*one commin from the + part of the battery that is placed to one of the nuts that the starter has.
*another one ( verry short) that coneects the solenoid and the starter.

... i took a picture of this 3er cable terminal

it has a flat female terminal.. but im thinkin that the plug of the starter is broken, cus i cant see that plug on the starter.. can anyone picture that cable slot ?.....
Im taking a picture from a nother post that david made, here is the post
hope you dont mind david

Problem Nº2: Speed and feul indicator
This problem i have no idea how to fix it.. ive been surfin on the net and cant fine anything that could help =P, ill try to explaine clarly..
the pilot table has a speed and feul indicator, i see that the speed indicaor has a thick cable that goes to the front of the car and hides over there, but the feul indicator dosent have anythin... nothing at all .. soo i dont now what to do here..
here is the pik