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Need urgent help - Renault 4



I bought a renault 4 850cc a while back.
I think I might need a new starter, it got really hot one day because I forgot the ignition on,and started smoking.

I need the following parts:

Clutch kit
Sparkplug cables, with their connector plates
Head gasket
Piston rings
Rubber plug for bottom of petrol tank.

I want to redo the engine and replace the clutch, can someone please explain how I should do this, and where I could order all the parts mentioned above, even if secondhand?
I'm from South Africa.

I already read the instructions on this website, but they do not give enough details.

This is the first time I am going to work on a car,by the way.

Oh and the copper fuel pipe between engine and tank is clogged as well, how do I clean it?

Hi Dawie, the best thing that you can do before you start is to get a Haynes Manual for Renault 4 1961 to 1986.
You can get them for about R300 from, maybe a second hand one for a little less.

Please explain, is your starter motor smoking or the exhaust? Just give a few more details about how your car runs.
Also if you had enough oil and water in your car at the time and also what kind of petrol you use.

You can get parts from Der Franzose in Germany but get your manual first. It gives you detailed steps on how to take out your clutch.
The starter smoked once, but engine still turns, so don't think its broken.
I'll see if I can get the book, I actually want to try and fix up the car from the 22nd until the start of January, as I don't have to be at work for that period.
How long does it take to get here more or less?
It should take about 10days to get the book but parts will take longer at this time of the year, 2-3weeks.
It sounds like your starter is OK if it turns the engine. Does the engine actually fire and carry on running by itself?
What is the problem with your clutch?
You can get spark plugs and cables locally at any car parts dealer. There's a car parts place called Midas in Cape Town.
Can you take a photo of your car and engine and put it up on this website?
Is it 6 Volt or 12? I think the changeover happened about 1968. If it is 6V and you've fitted a 12V battery this could explain the smoke!
I think its 12v, but have to check.
Also,any ideas how I could clean the petrol pipe?
First make sure that the pipe itself is clogged and not the pickup tube inside the tank, which is more likely. To check this you need to remove the tank first, then take off the fuel gauge/pickup tube (3 little screws). There is a gauze filter at its bottom end, this is where clogging occurs at cars that had been standing for some time.

If this pipe is OK, it's better and easier to replace the whole petrol delivery pipe with a 6mm OD copper pipe, than trying to clean it.
You can pour meths down it and let it sit, plug up one end of course, then if you have access to air give it a good blast through. Beware of inhaling/touching stale fuel, its a bit on the carcnogenic side, I emptied a tank of about 5 litres of very old fuel and had a really bad headache for about a day! I'm still kicking though!