Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

New chassis anyone?

little bit pricey for us on east side of Europe but for serious R4 lover can be done!
I think that it is a great offer.
Personally I don't need one, because at this stage I'm confident that my 3 are in good condition. R4, R4 fourgonette and R6.
Although I have seen some excellent repairs done on this forum, but I'd be happier with a new one for the peace of mind and confidence that it provides.
MRP are to be congratulated in my opinion. 2cv chassis have been available for quite some time and all power to the people who want to keep them going.
Now WE have the chance to properly restore another (better, in my opinion) French icon. Let's do it!
I plan to start my fourgonette restoration in November.
Oh, and anyone with the good bits from a Renault 5 Alpine/Gordini could shoot me a PM.
It's cheaper than we had expected.
We will have to wait until end of the year to see one. I suppose they wait to collect the money first, then have the first batch made. Then we may have to wait a little more to see if it's worth, quality-wise.
It looks well built from the pictures...
Torsion bar mountings are for post-78 vehicles, so earlier car restorers will have to change these, too.
Fantastique! They deserve to do really well with this. It wouldn't take an awful lot more to make a new rodeo or plein air.....
Hi guys! -in France at the moment, so thought I'd pop in to check it in out a couple of days..So would the only difference between the 4L and the 4F (R2106-86mod) be the longer rear longerons on the F4??Seems my lanolin-based rustproffing has done an exellent job so far, so luckily don't need a new frame
as of now,(Knock on tin!)
but in the meantime it would certainly make a good conversion-piece suspended on the livingroom wall..or why not suspended by 4 wires from the ceiling it can
double as a dinner table?? -R.
Hi there John Doe! I'll have a good look at it when in Melun. Long time since we met in Thenay by now... -R.
about time too! little pricey but worse with shipping i expect