Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Nuts and washers to hold liners in


Planning an Advent4
South Coast
Okay, i have thrown my toys out the prame, scared the hell of the health and safety guy at work and generally made a few bosses who I haven't work with for years notice I finally got a backbone.

C303 will still potentional be for sale till the engine is in and running but at the asking price I doute I'll find a buyer.

So now my toys are back in my pram and I have collected my thought, been emotional and played one of the few songs on loud that reminds me of my sister, I need to get on with things.


What nut size and washers are needed to hold the liners in so I can turn the engine upsidedown and bolt the big ends together?
Thank you Angel,
thanks Angel, I did further digging and its all sat on my window sill waiting to go across to the garage,