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R4 Parts Book


Renault 4 Owner Wannabee
Hi All,

Only my second post, but here goes anyway...

Does anyone know where I can obtain an exploded parts book for the R4 with part numbers ?

I have them for all my other cars and they prove extremely useful when rebuilding etc.

I recently bought an original workshop manual:D (ed 4), so now I need the parts book to go with it.

Thanks in advance

Have a look for a PR500 book from Renault. Covers all models and not just R4s. Very useful but bear in mind that Renault have a habit of changing part numbers so most of the ones in the book will be incorrect but dealers should be able to work out the correct number from the original number.
If I need something that can only be bought by Renault (no aftermarket parts). I just go there or phone them an explain what I want.

It always did the trick.

Edit: I've just skimmed over your post yesterday, so I didn't so the usage of the parts book. Most useful thing for the repairs is Hyness manual.
I got one from ebay france. Again you have a problem with what year vehicle you eventually purchase. I have a 1986 parts book that contains all the parts to 1986, however I should also have another book of the codes they use. It does take a little working out, but as you say, the drawings are a huge help when working on the vehicles. I would get your car first, then start collecting the literature. The french ebay site for spares etc is called 'pieces des voitures'. There are usually about 20 to 30 pages on Renault 4 spares. I have managed to get quite a few spares from France, though the postage can be a little high. Have a look at 'Melun Retro Passion' or 'Der Fransoze'. I have feeling they do reprints, but I may be wrong. Happy hunting!
I did find a downloadable PDF somewhere on the net.
Try a search for "PR1104" or "PR-1104".
Unfortunately the file is too large to e-mail it. (30MB)


The Parts Books that you need, depending on the age of your vehicle, are as follows : PR 686 (earliest French vehicles only, types R 1120,1121,1122 and 2102 only), PR 728 (earliest type 1123, also 1124 and 2104), PR 808 (all models 1965 to 1970), PR 953 (1971 to 1975), PR 1005 (1976 to 1982) and PR 1104 (1983 to 1993).

These turn up regularly on French eBay. You need to be aware of various points : (i) the French for Parts Book is “Catalogue des Pièces de Réchange” so you need to feed various combinations of this in to get best results, likewise PR and P R (with a space between), (ii) The books were issued annually so some will not have all the years specified above : they are all useful but any one described as “Dernière Édition” will be the most comprehensive for that particular issue (iii) PR 1104 is particularly useful as it has the latest (in 1993) parts numbers for the R 1123’s (TLs) available at the time (plus of course the later GTL, Clan etc. numbers as well).
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Two further points : the later editions (see my previous post) also carry part numbers for earlier models, to the extent that the parts were still available. Many parts remained unmodified throughout, although the part number tended to be altered regularly.

Also, many basic parts for both R1123 (845cc) and R 1128 (1108cc) are still available new from Renault in France, albeit they are pricey. Lifestyle Renault in Tunbridge Wells is very good on French-catalogue ordering.
R4 Gods

You guys really know your R4 stuff:hug:

DavidN....I found the downloadable file very nicely:cool:Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Admittedly, the manual is in French:( and my French is rubbish:mad: But the pictures will do just fine for my needs!!

So, I now have the R61 workshop manual 4th Ed...Anglaise!! and an electronic copy of the 83 to 93 parts book.

Just the car needed really....I am tending now towards taking the sound advice of the forum, and steering away from the pre 72 cars and just keeping my eyes open for all R4's now:smile:

Thanks again, for all the expert knowledge.

