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Yellow R4
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Rear Cross Member Removal


High Wycombe
Can someone please explain how to do this, am I missing something? I need to remove the fuel tank which means removing the cross member in order to get it out. I have removed the 2 bolts on each side but it simply won't budge, it's as though there are other bolts holding it on... What haven't I done? Cheers guys
When did this on mine (F6) there where a further two bolts to the floor, on the F6 accessed these from underneath, do seem to remember on another forum thread that these where accessed from inside car on a berlina, but all was from underside on mine.
Bolts were in the top flange of crossmember to floor.
On later cars (1978 onwards), the crossmember is being held by three bolts at each side, two at the rear and one at the front. These front ones are not the easiest to access, but they only need to be loosened a couple of turns because there are open slots at the front of the crossmember.
This type of crossmember has threads for rear seat belt buckles and these must also be removed (from inside). Even if you don't have rear seat belts fitted, there are two plastic threaded plugs - what laxeian is referring to on the above post - that still have to be removed. These are hidden under the luggage compartment mat, which needs to be removed first.
On later cars (1978 onwards), the crossmember is being held by three bolts at each side, two at the rear and one at the front. These front ones are not the easiest to access, but they only need to be loosened a couple of turns because there are open slots at the front of the crossmember.
This type of crossmember has threads for rear seat belt buckles and these must also be removed (from inside). Even if you don't have rear seat belts fitted, there are two plastic threaded plugs - what laxeian is referring to on the above post - that still have to be removed. These are hidden under the luggage compartment mat, which needs to be removed first.
Brilliant, thank you. I did see a couple more bolts tucked away a bit but I was hesitant to touch them.