Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Rear hatch Hinge.


Hi All. Ronnie has a problem with the left side hinge to the rear hatch. The horizontal flange that is welded to the underside of the gutter has detached from the bit with the pin through it. It has rusted away completely despite having it welded up 3 years ago here in the UK by an obviously useless garage. Is there a replacement piece available? The part that is bolted to the hatch is in good condition, its the piece that houses the pin and is welded to the car that I am after. Obviously one could be made, but I ask , is it a spare that I can buy, is it available together with the bolt on hatch part as a complete set, or what? Any help, as always , gratefully received.
Thanks Andy and everyone, i checked out those and they appear to be more like the bonnet hinges than my hatch hinge. I have sketched out what I am
after, and shows how my hinge works. Thanks for any help guys.
Apologies - I didn't look at the photo on the Portuguese site properly. I think the part number is right, though.
Hope you manage to find a good welder (I think it might be easier to refabricate the part than to track an original part down)!
Thanks Andy. I followed up the number and it was for the bonnet hinge, unless they have a different hinge arrangement in Spain/Portugal. I can see what you mean, about refabrication as well. A T shaped flat with a hole drilled across the middle leg, and then weld it on. I am amazed that the garage didn't do that, because the shiny broken weld was about the size of a grain of rice, so I am lucky it did not fail under different circumstances. The Garage did a crap job, and when I called them from france they did not ask if anyone was hurt and are we OK , they emailed me a 'without prejudice' letter saying that you should expect that after three years! Anyway won't go there again!!!

Thanks again. Edwin