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Rear Shocks on an F6 ?


Mad many would insit upon
Are car shocks (rear) the same as F6 shocks?

and what about early f4 type rear shocks will they fit? or are F6 shocks unique to F6?

I have a 1965 car set or a gtl set here but no F6 ones and thats what need.

Please can you help

thanks michael
F6 shocks.

I will check in my parts catologue tomorrow. There is probably a strong chance that an F6 will have a higher rating shock absorber, but it will be exactly the same dimensions as an ordinary GTL/F4, I would think. The chassis is longer, the anti-roll bars are thicker, and the van body maybe slightly heavier, and it is rated to carry a greater weight. However if your intention is not to carry much in the way of goods, a decent GTL shocker should probably suffice? If not, I am sure a site on french ebay might stock F6 shockers. I will let you know the part number too. Does your F6 have anti-roll bars on the rear suspension too?