Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Remounting a tyre


Tunbridge Wells England
Hi all

Ive just bought 2 new tires off the internet and the garages here in France are asking for €20 per tyre to mount.

I am going to tackle it myself and put them on by hand and elbow grease.

Has anyone done this and have they got any tips?


well you did take a major part of their profit from them.

Tyre levers might be a good buy but be careful as i've heard its easy to damage the rims.

I will wrap the tyre leavers with electrical tape and cloth.
That i s why I buy tires at local car shop.

They include valve, balance and installation on car in price which is even lower that tire shops

Aldo valve, balance and installation here in Croatia is from 7 to 10€ per tire. Not so big money
R4 tyres are easy to fit. Tyre levers are a must, as is rim lubricant. I found motorbike tyre lubricant on eBay. There's lots of demos on uTube on DIY tyre removal and fitting.
I DID IT!!!!!

Removed 2 tires and replaced with 2 new tires.

It took me 1 day to do the 1st tire and it took me 1 hour to do the 2nd.

As you can see I learnt a lot from the 1st go.

I am more than happy to help anyone that is thinking of doing this.

Just drop me a line.

Things you will need:

Latex gloves
Washing up liquid
Big flat head screwdriver
Elbow grease
some sort of flat tire lever (I made one from a garden shed door hinge)
Hammer (optional)
Another flat long thin piece of metal 1 foot long.
Carb cleaner
4 cans of beer.

If you have all of these you can do it.

Congratulation Sprackers!

But I am little bit concern. Only 4 beers! Are you sure that it is enough for quality job? ;)
Lol I'm so lucky that we have a tyre mounting machine, I can get 4 tyres swapped in 20mins :D