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Remove and refit Starter motor

Ouch, ouch and ouch.

Its not too hard, just difficult to access everything, I ended up taking the carb off and loosening and moving the steering column out of the way to get to it, at least as you have a GTL, you won't have the handbrake cables and mechanism in your way!
Starter moter

Thanks for your reply. Do i need to take off the manifold?

I tried recently to access the starter moter, removed the carb tried to remove the manifold but there where two nuts on the manifold i could not get at,

regards eddie hall
If I remember correctly I didn't, I just took the carb off as I have a larger carb than standard and it was easier to see everything.
This is what the Haynes Manual sais...

Good luck!


There's a link somewhere on this side where you can download the whole manual.
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