Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

remove battery clio 1996


New Member
the other day my car didn't start at all, nothing happened when i turned the key, my battery has been very low,( if i left my lights on for 5 minutes, the battery would die). so i'm 90% sure it's the battery. so i went and bought a new one.

i just tried to remove the old one, but it wont move. it seems to be fixed in somehow, although i cant be sure of how. there are 2 bolts on the driver side of battery, and one bolt on the passenger side of battery.

i thought maybe try the passenger side one, but i cant get my wrench in there, it's too tight to get an angle. i was wondering if anyone knows how to do it.
