As I have not got a Renault 4 (yet) ; nor have seen/inspected a Renault 4 engine...; so I was wondering if they are interference or non interference engines?
I understand they run on "chains" to the valve gear (and other parts); so if this "lets go" and fails:-
Are the then 'free-wheeling' valves free to be pushed into the pistons (interference) and potential wrecking the engine;
or do they not reach/touch the pistons (non-interference)?
Are all engine versions the same?
Does chain failure happen, or is it virtually unheard of?
As I have not got a Renault 4 (yet) ; nor have seen/inspected a Renault 4 engine...; so I was wondering if they are interference or non interference engines?
I understand they run on "chains" to the valve gear (and other parts); so if this "lets go" and fails:-
Are the then 'free-wheeling' valves free to be pushed into the pistons (interference) and potential wrecking the engine;
or do they not reach/touch the pistons (non-interference)?
Are all engine versions the same?
Does chain failure happen, or is it virtually unheard of?