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Renault 4 engine(s)- interference or non interference..?


New Forest

As I have not got a Renault 4 (yet) ; nor have seen/inspected a Renault 4 engine...; so I was wondering if they are interference or non interference engines?

I understand they run on "chains" to the valve gear (and other parts); so if this "lets go" and fails:-

Are the then 'free-wheeling' valves free to be pushed into the pistons (interference) and potential wrecking the engine;

or do they not reach/touch the pistons (non-interference)?

Are all engine versions the same?

Does chain failure happen, or is it virtually unheard of?

Chains? Dont they use pushrods to the valvegear?
There is a timing chain on the back of the engine right at the bulkhead so if the chain fails regardless of any damage to the head it will be an engine out job
From experience in extremely rare case of chain problems due to some designs of tensioner used the only damage will be bent pushrods hardly a catastrophic problem
Forgive me for commenting but you seem to be trying to convince yourself that buying a renault 4 is going to be a decision you are likely to regret
As long as it's not terminally rusty anything else can be fixed