Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Renault 4 gtl Heater



I have a problem with my heater, the fuse keeps blowing when you turn the heater on.

Any help and advice please.

Regards Eddie:smile:
Do you mean the fan for the heating? If so, does the fan actually come on, then the fuse blows, or does the fuse blow without the fan coming on?

I wonder if there is a short circuit somewhere.
Sounds like you need a new fan then. I've not replaced one myself - hopefully someone else can advise.
It may just be that the fan motor shaft has seized on its bushings, if you remove it you may try rotating it by hand, having first sprayed WD-40 in the motor bushings. This is usually enough to free it, you may need to turn the motor by hand for some time afterwards, then leave it running from an external power source, keeping spraying WD-40. This will make it turn smoothly again.
Hi, Just had the same problem!
So, I removed the heater cover (with the motor), and found a pencil lodged in the fan impeller housing, and had jammed the fan motor. Hence the blowing fuses. i guess the pencil had fallen down from the screen vent opening.......
Now, all seems to be working correctly.
BTW, I bought the R4 GTL a few days ago: my first Katrelle.
Sorry cannot seem to start new thread but our problem
Is that Renault 4gtl heater fan working but cold air coming out of
vent? Any ideas gratefully received this Christmas day?!