Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Renault 4 most km/miles record!


Just to know, how many kilometers (or miles) have your R4? And, which was the maximum you ever saw?
Mine have 216 000 km, and I thought it was very good... then, last week I saw one with 405 000 km... woooaa! So, any record?
When my family bought my '75 R4 in 1990 it had 195.000 kms. Add to this 250.000 kms until 1996,and another 79.000 up to today...sum 524.000 kms. Only one engine repair at around 480.000 kms due to overheating (my fault). About one year ago, I went to see a fairly good looking '72 model. When I asked the owner about mileage, he said casually "around 800.000 kms" ,without fearing that I would turn away (I admit it ran very well). We have (had...) a lot of such high-mileage R4s here in Greece, for two reasons:The climate does not allow them to rust quickly (the mechanics last infinitely) and, due to vehicle tax system, many people had an R4 as their one and only car for 20+ years (not as second or third as in many other countries),therefore most of the remaining R4s have around 300.000 kms.
But certainly the record-breaking R4s were those of the National Electricity Company and also Greek Telecommunications Organisation. They were used for network support vehicles all round the country from '69 to '97 (this means the fleet was built of '69-75 R4s, that were not being "refreshed"). They were abused by the network technicians, but maintained fairly well,and logbooked. It was not uncommon for a lot of R4s to reach the 1.500.000 kms mark, as some technicians have told me.A few "lucky" of them,that had lower mileage, are still in service today.

Just to know, how many kilometers (or miles) have your R4? And, which was the maximum you ever saw?
Mine have 216 000 km, and I thought it was very good... then, last week I saw one with 405 000 km... woooaa! So, any record?

Well thats a hell of a lot!But hard to prove to be true?And how many of its parts have been replaced? Very interesting, though!My GTL engine has done about 165000 miles & is getting a bit noisy!
Since the R4s were the official sergeant vehicles in the IDF, they drove about half a million each...

I have a picture of a "Military" 83' TL speedometre with 845,000 KM. :shock:
I'll find it soon.
Mine, a 1986 GTL, has 210000 km, and I hope it will work like that for a long time, absolutly no problem, my engine seems to be more powerful than my 1992 father's bye-bye with less than 100000 km !