Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Renault 4L van

Hi Stan, the hidden agenda here is that Renault would love to see their preserved car bodywork in the Tate Modern Collection.
Certainly will be interesting to see the end result, it would be nice if you left its reg plate on it somewhere then all the people that owned it in its previous life could associate with it.
We don't know which section he needs
30 years ago I threw away a perfectly good roof when I built my yellow peril from an F4 van ☺
Why not just drive an R4 van through the front of the Tate modern- it can be a happening and an installation at the same time. And if Tracey Emin is there too- bonus!
Hi Richard,
Maybe you'd have more success if you re-locate your request to the correct section of this forum.... i.e: Renault 4 cars wanted and/or Renault 4 parts wanted.
Admittedly, a minor detail, but it could make all the difference.

As a community, we would be delighted to learn that any parts you use will remain servicable post-exhibition. There is a growing sentiment to keep these darlings in circulation, and as a sculptor, we're sure that you'll agree with Oscar Wilde's comment.... "Beauty is the only thing that time cannot harm".
I, for one, can't wait to glimpse your exhibit. It must surely contribute to the Renault 4's continuing iconic status.
Let's hope that Mr. Wilde didn't have you in mind, when he also penned: "Bad artists always admire each others' work".

Here's a few suggestions that may get you on your way:

Good Luck